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Consistency Models — Consistency & Consistency Levels(II)— Distributed Data Stores
In my previous article, we talked about Consistency and Consistency Levels. We also discussed that playing around with Consistency Levels allows you to tune the Consistency requirements of your application & also impacts the Availability, Latency & Throughput of your application.
In this article, we’ll go a little deeper into Consistency & Consistency Levels & talk about Consistency Models, before looking into how consistency requirements for your application can be tuned based on Consistency Levels.
Consistency Model
A consistency model is a contract between a (distributed)system and the applications that run on it. This model is a set of guarantees made by the distributed system so that the client can have expected behaviour across read & write operations.
Strong Consistency Models
As we discussed in the previous article, Strong Consistency is achieved when all replica nodes are always in sync with each other.
There are multiple models within strong consistency itself! So we’ll go through some of them in detail in this article -