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Write-Ahead Log — WAL

Strong durability is a default, that we assume out of all our data stores. But have you wondered, how this high durability is achieved with all the high performance/throughput requirements, even in the face of server crashes(power failures/os failures/hardware failures). Well, the answer is WAL.
WAL — Write Ahead Log
WAL isn’t truly a distributed design pattern, but a widely used pattern that is prevalent in most distributed systems guaranteeing durability.
WAL has been a common theme across traditional RDBMS systems and is used to help with atomicity & durability(A & D of ACID) guarantees. All mutations to a table are written first to the WAL(Transaction Log/Bin Log) & then applied to the actual data files of the tables asynchronously.
Sample WAL and WALEntry structure:
type WAL struct {
dir string // directory under which WAL files are stored.
file *os.File // reference to the file
metadata []byte // metadata recorded at the head of each WAL
decoder *decoder // decoder to decode records
encoder *encoder // encoder to encode records
mutex sync.Mutex // To ensure single update per writer
lastIndex uint64 // index of the last entry saved to the WAL
type WALEntry struct {
lsn uint64 // unique…